The Sabbath: Our Story Pt. 1

I encourage you to read my first post on discovering Apostolic Christianity if you haven’t already. It will provide some context that will be helpful here. You see, I had gone on an all out search to find out what Christianity was all about when my wife and I became missionaries and I started reading through the Bible all the way through for myself.

This initiated many years of searching but I was never fully satisfied until I discovered Apostolic Christianity.

Along the way though we got involved in some other things. Early on as I was reading through the books of Moses I was wondering about the significance of the Sabbath.

You see, it’s the only one in the ten commandments that Christians don’t keep. This struck me as odd. Shouldn’t Christians be keeping all ten of the ten commandments? I mean why get a nine out of ten when you could get a ten out of ten, right?

I soon found some teaching regarding the Sabbath from people within a movement called Hebrew Roots. It’s essentially Christians who believe that God wants us to continue to keep the Law of Moses minus the sacrificial and ceremonial laws.

I always stayed on the outside of the movement looking in being unsure whether or not they had gotten everything correct. However, the teaching regarding the Sabbath stuck among other things and my wife and I and our family kept the seventh day weekly Sabbath on Saturday for several years.

I think it was attractive to us because of some problems we saw in the church and this seemed to be a corrective. The motivation was simple. We wanted to obey God and be set apart for Him. By observing the Sabbath it seemed like we were heading in the right direction.

Fast forward a few years and I was still feeling unresolved. We had made many changes but something was still off. This is when I started discovering the early church and the early Christians through a book by David Bercot called Will The Real Heretics Please Stand Up?

In the book I was introduced to 1st, 2nd and 3rd century Christians along with their beliefs and lifestyles. I instantly knew that this was what I had been looking for.

These people lived and died as Christians. They truly lived remarkable lives. The early church really was a continuation of what we see in the book of Acts. The very first Christians “continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers” (Acts 2:42).

On his way to be martyred for his faith in Jesus Christ, the Syrian bishop Ignatius wrote several epistles to the churches of Asia Minor. To the Magnesians he wrote, “Do your utmost to stand firm in the precepts of the Lord [Jesus] and the Apostles, so that everything you do, worldly or spiritual, may go prosperously from beginning to end in faith and love…” (Magnesians Ch. 13).

Ignatius was a pupil of the apostle John, the sole apostle to live until the end of the 1st century. Ignatius was martyred just a few years later around the year 105 AD. As a bishop, two of Ignatius’ priorities were 1) to live and die for Christ and 2) to preserve the apostolic doctrine that he had been entrusted with.

I have no doubt that with such things God is well pleased.

So, as I approached the early Christians and their writings I was almost positive that I would find evidence that they really kept all ten of the ten commandments including the weekly Sabbath. The teaching I had received from people in the Hebrew Roots movement left me with the impression that Christian worship had been changed to Sunday by the Emperor Constantine in the early 4th century.

Maybe that’s why I had never heard of these early Christian writings before! They must have been Sabbath observers, I thought. Perhaps the religious powers that be erased them from our collective memories – their writings locked away in some dimly lit vault underneath the Vatican.

Imagine my surprise when I discovered what the early Christians including Ignatius (who was so careful to preserve the teachings of the Lord and the apostles) had to say about the Sabbath!

10 thoughts on “The Sabbath: Our Story Pt. 1

  1. Well, this sure leaves us hanging, doesn’t it? I didn’t see “part 1” in the title when I started reading. I was looking for a link somewhere, LOL. I also forgot you live in Spain. We visited Barcelona in 2017, and I was surprised to find the language different. I got an explanation, but I’ve forgotten it. The first clue was that the street signs had a different word than calle. I’ll go find part 2!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I really appreciate your wisdom and heart to share. Years ago my pastor called a 21 day fast, the Lord led me to read no book but the Bible for 40 days. During this fast I became heartbroken over Amos 8:11. Ever since God has been faithful to draw me back to His pure Word. I can’t begin to imagine a famine of hearing the word of the Lord. It’s food for our soul. Yet, at times it seems we’ve had a famine happening across America and not even known it. I pray we are waking up and getting back to Truth.

    My question is in regard to apostolic succession. I have recently learned of the Orthodox Church, and their early Church teachings. But I’ve also noticed some of their beliefs are not supported in Scripture. Do you have any thoughts on the use of icons, the veneration of Mary and the saints, and where they fit in with the timeline, as opposed to the Roman Catholic Church? As an evangelical protestant, I honestly have no idea what Church to belong to now. Thanks for any thoughts shared. God’s blessings!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so sorry I’m just replying now. I’m not able to be very active here. I do more on my YouTube channel – the link is at the bottom of my blog. I will do my best to answer you soon. I can say quickly though that those are later developments and I would not consider them to be part of Apostolic Christianity.


    2. I reckon Chip won’t mind me suggesting one of my articles. My main point on apostolic succession is “To the early churches, apostolic succession was a proof of the preservation of truth within the churches.” I explain that throughout this article:

      The basic idea of apostolic succession, at least back then, was that if every church was passing on the same truth, each from whichever apostle founded them, and every church agreed on what the apostles taught, then this would be prove those churches were teaching truth. “Truth” was what the apostles themselves taught because God sent Jesus and Jesus sent the apostles. Their agreement after more than a century was proof that they had accurately maintained those original apostolic teachings.

      That was a great argument around the year 200 when it was first made. Around the year 2000 it is not a very good argument. The churches don’t agree, and it is obvious that a lot of things (lie icons and the veneration of Mary and the saints) have been added. The Roman Catholics have added a whole new priesthood, unknown to the Scriptures or the second-century churches.

      Liked by 1 person

    3. Hello, I was reading this post and happened to see your comment. I would suggest visiting an Eastern Orthodox church just to see how you feel. I am a convert and love it. It is a demanding church, though (in a good way). I was suspicious of icons and the veneration of saints and the virgin Mary (Theotokos). Please educate yourself in a balanced way regarding these subjects (from both sides of the fence, I mean). It is very easy to fall into something called confirmation bias if you only get opinions from one side. Ultimately, it is your choice. I think the iconography is beautiful. I see them as photos of loved ones (the communion of saints). I have always kissed photos of loved ones in my family to show my affection. I see icons in the same way. The protestants don’t show enough respect for Mary, in my opinion. They mention her at Christmas time, and then she is forgotten. Without her, there would be no incarnation. The bible says all generations will call her “blessed”.
      Furthermore, in 2 Thessalonians 2:15, Paul says, “Therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold to the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word or our epistle.” Not many churches can claim apostolic succession. Protestants will say that the Orthodox church has too many things that are not biblical. However, when you realize the rich history of the church, read the apostolic fathers, and remember that many traditions have been handed down by word of mouth and practice (which Protestantism completely broke away from), I would say that the Orthodox church is still the closest thing we have to original Christian church.
      I hope you enjoy your search .God bless you!


      1. I think you may be right that the Orthodox Church is the closest to Apostolic Christianity compared to the RCC or any Protestant denomination. Even if I was interested though I wouldn’t think there’s any Orthodox congregation anywhere near me in Spain.


  3. That is the problem. They aren’t as widespread as so many other churches in certain parts of the world. I hope you get the chance to visit one.
    I also hope todaystreasures was able to see my comment.
    Thank you for your reply and God bless you!


    1. Hi joyful sheep,
      is there anything in the teaching of the Orthodox church that you cannot affirm but you still decided to be a part of it? What is the doctrine of your church on baptism?
      Grace and peace to you,


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